St Patrick's Catholic Primary School Gympie

18 - 26 Church Street, Gympie Qld 4570
Ph: (07) 5482 3293

May I personally welcome you and your family to the St Patrick’s Primary School Community. St Patrick’s Primary School exists to assist you as parents in the important task of educating your children. The school is privileged to be part of the partnership that will contribute to your child’s total development. We hope that your time spent at St Patrick’s assists in the development of your child’s:

Self Worth
Social Skills
Sporting Skills
Academic Skills
Behavioural Choices
Moral Awareness and
Religious Formation
Our Parent Handbook has been designed to inform you of the policies, practices and procedures associated with St Patrick’s Primary School. It is not a document that will answer all of your questions but it will provide you with the basics. All of our staff will always be willing to discuss any questions or concerns you may have as they arise and provide you with more detailed information if you wish.

An essential element in our role of educating the students in our care is to work in partnership with parents. Your children will only receive the best possible schooling when home and school work together out of common goals and principles. I encourage you to be involved in your child’s education as much as you can and I welcome your involvement in the school.

I trust that your time with St Patrick’s Primary School is fruitful and rewarding. I am sure that you will enjoy being part of our school community. I look forward to working with you in the education of your child and in assisting the students in our care to “let their light shine”.

Life's blessings to you and your family,

Kathy Fuller

